Saran Wood Creche Friends
Providing Part Time Childcare From 8am to 2pm Monday to Friday (18 months to 5 years)
Part Time Childcare
Part Time Childcare 8am to 1pm over 48 weeks of the year
Part time childcare
Part Time Childcare 9am to 2pm over 48 weeks of the year
National Childcare Scheme (NCS) offered.
ECCE Scheme:
Free preschool for eligible children (2 & 9 months – 5 years) 9.15am – 12.15pm over a 38-week school term.
Automatic ECCE place
Automatic ECCE place when your child attends our toddler and pre-ECCE rooms.
ECCE Additional hours
Additional hours available for children attending under the ECCE free-preschool scheme.
Pre-ECCE session
Pre-ECCE session 8.30am to 12, (2 to 3 years). This session is ideal for children who are ready to socialize with other children and need the cognitive stimulation that comes with going to pre-school but are not yet eligible for the ECCE scheme.